Sunday, March 11, 2007

Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Male Fertility

Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Male Fertility
Michael Byrd

How do omega 3 fatty acids and male fertility fit together?

That's a good question and you'll be happy with the answer.

Research is still ongoing for omega 3 fatty acids and male fertility in the area of sperm and sperm mobility. But many reproductive benefits have already been proven for omega 3 fish oil.

For example, it's well established that the fatty acids in fish greatly improve blood flow to the genitals. They also naturally lower blood pressure and support a healthy prostate gland.

These fish oil benefits are vitally important to the act of reproduction.

Greater blood flow to the genitals and normal blood pressure lowers the risk of erectile dysfunction. And we all know it's difficult to reproduce if there's problems in rising to the ocassion.

Prostatitis, or swelling of the prostate, also has serious reproductive repercussions. It's therefore in a man's best interest to supplement regularly with fish oil, because the natural anti-inflammatory ability of the fatty acids keeps the prostate healthy and functioning properly.

But delivery of sperm is only one aspect of reproduction. Those little guys have a big job ahead of them. For fertilization to occur sperm must be strong, viable, plentiful, healthy and mobile.

There are two things that can lead to male infertility. One has to do with cholesterol and the other oxidation within the sperm.

Essential fatty acids and cholesterol make up a large part of sperm cell membranes. And over 60% of the fatty acids are DHA, which is an omega 3 fatty acid found in fish oil. [Molecular Human Reproduction, Vol. 4, 111-118]

And research shows that infertile men have a much lower level of DHA in their sperm cell membranes compared to fertile men.

So, DHA has a significant effect on the health and viability of sperm.

The amount of cholesterol in sperm is another telltale sign of infertility. The more cholesterol present, the more infertile he is. Some scientists believe this is caused by low fatty acids in the sperm. [Biology of Reproduction, vol. 59, 7-11]

Here's why. When there's not enough good fatty acids present in a man's body, cholesterol takes its place in the sperm membrane. This keeps the sperm from ever maturing properly.

In other words, low fatty acids cause a man to be shooting blanks.

But there's more trouble on the horizon. Immature and abnormal sperm cells create free radicals, which cause the oxidation and destruction of any normal healthy sperm cells. This also increases male infertility. [Current Medical Chemistry, Vol. 8, 851-862]

So, fish oil omega 3 fatty acids and male fertility are a perfect match.

When you increase your intake of essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 with DHA, fertility can only improve. It's that simple. And the only natural source for DHA is found in fish and fish oil.

Increasing fish oil intake greatly improves the effectiveness of sperm and, therefore, it greatly improves a man's odds of reproducing.

Over the past 18 years, Michael Byrd has helped thousands of people all around the world to look younger, feel better and have more natural energy. Trained as a Physical Therapist, he discovered how to use special omega 3 formulas and other nutrients to easily create optimum nutrition and health for his clients. To get your free educational CD, visit his site at

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Treatment for Fertility

Fertility Treatment: What You Should Know
Gabriel J. Adams

A fertility treatment is used when a man and a woman are unable to conceive a child naturally. The fertility treatment is designed to increase their chance of pregnancy. There are many different fertility treatments. A specialist will conduct testing on both individuals to determine the possible reasons behind the infertility, and then the treatment options that are available are discussed. Fertility treatments aren’t always effective and they are often very expensive. Most insurance plans don’t cover fertility treatment.

Ovulation Induction involves the female taking fertility drugs to increase her chances of getting pregnant. These drugs often come with some health risks and side effects but they can help regulate the menstrual cycle and increase the likeliness of pregnancy.

Artificial insemination is the process of injecting sperm from the male into the female. This is often combined with fertility drugs and methods of helping the male produce more sperm that are stronger. Assisted Reproductive Technology, known as ART, are more complicated fertility treatments. This involves removing the ova from the female, fertilizing it with sperm from the male, and placing it back in her body before it is known if conception has taken place.

Invitro Fertilization is similar but it involves removing the ova from the female, fertilizing it with sperm from the male, and making sure conception takes place. Then the embryos are placed into the uterus of the female. One side effect of this method is the possibility of multiple embryos being formed at the same time, leading to as many as seven babies being born at one time.

The process of fertility treatments can be very simple for some couples such as increasing the sperm count of the male. Other couples struggle for years with fertility issues because of the let down of not finding an effective treatment and the side effects. In addition to the financial cost, fertility treatments affect couples physically and emotionally.

Learn more about fertility treatments at

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

What Does Fertility Treatment Mean?

The Concept of Fertility Treatment
by James McLean Bowie

The term fertility treatment suggests a treatment to improve the fertility or egg production in women who would like to bring a new child into the world. This term originated from a condition known as infertility, where, a man and woman who are in a loving relationship are unable to reproduce naturally. However, this is the scientific aspect; the social implications of infertility are very drastic and tend to cause major problems within a relationship. Infertility often creates high levels of stress within relationships. The inability of the female in the relationship to conceive or give birth to a healthy child, more often than not creates very stressful conditions for both partners. This results in an adverse change in behaviour in both partners and also creates great upheaval in both personal and working life of both parties.

The Situation at Present

Infertility is no longer a new issue for couples who are planning to start a family; however the progress in the field of fertility treatment has been rather sporadic and slow even by the modern standards of advanced health treatments. The advances or lack of, are not unrelated to the ever increasing cases of infertility among people today. We are just unable to gather enough information to help us calculate the precise situation; this is because of the huge amount of cases of infertility which are never reported. However, the amount of cases of infertility in people today appears to be on the increase. Major lifestyle changes make people more susceptible to being plagued by infertility: quite often this illness, and it is an illness, is self-inflicted. The foods which many couples eat are just one problem; they do not eat enough nutritional content which is required for healthy living. Our bodies are under enormous threat from a great deal of outside influences, pollution throughout the world is on the increase, habit forming problems such as alcohol consumption and drugs, also work related stress, all of which contribute to the causes of infertility and other life changing illness.

Infertility from a Medical Point of View.

Infertility can affect either or both parties in any relationship. The treatments required for infertility, are gender specific and will vary with each patient's case history. There are a number of tests which can be carried out, such as hysterosalpingogram or (HSG) which is an important basic test for infertility, or postcoital test (PC test) which is also known as (sims) and must be carried out within one to two days of ovulation, each of which will help to give clear analysis of the patients illness.

After the tests have been completed, the treatment for infertility will consider any and all cures, any of these can entail a number of different procedures which will depend on the requirements of the patient and the analysis gained from the tests. Drugs such as Clomid which is used to induce ovulation and is usually the first choice of any doctor in the treatment of infertility, it will also usually be suggested to the male partner to use cold packs to help cool the testicles. These are just a few basic examples, however, only a professional infertility expert can suggest exact fertility cures.

Exercise and other complimentary treatments

Apart from the use of medical fertility treatments there are also other things which will be suggested to compliment the ongoing treatment. These complimentary suggestions will be things such as, daily nutrition intake, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Stress is a major contributing factor to a lot of illness not least infertility, therefore stress must be dealt with immediately.

The Broader Outlook

Infertility is quite an emotional experience for all concerned and deserves to be closely scrutinised by everyone concerned with the subject. Many people are afraid to admit to be suffering from infertility, which is a real shame as there is treatment and support available from many outlets. Having to experience infertility treatment is quite a difficult exercise and entails quite a stressful and emotional time for both partners; the process can be made more difficult by peoples ignorance of the facts, and the lack of medical research.

About the Author
James McLean Bowie is an author and book dealer who resides in East yorkshire England. He owns a number of web sites, two of which are . and . On his sites you will find many useful articles and resources for writers, collectors and the hobbyist. also find message boards, blog and chat rooms.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Infertility Counselling

Infertility Counseling: Is It Right for You?
Mike Jerry

Infertility counseling can help most couples that are going through fertility treatment programs. There are two types of counseling that an individual or couple may be looking at for fertility assistance; emotional counseling and physical pregnancy support. Both types of counseling are an essential part of successfully navigating the world of fertility.

Physical Pregnancy Help

This type of help is given from your doctor or specialist. They are the people that do all the tests and give all the shots to assist you in your infertility grant request. It is their job to help grant you the wish of having a baby. The doctor's knowledge of their specialty is an essential part of fertility support. Without the doctor and their ability to help couples with pregnancy aid, it would be impossible for some couples to get pregnant and have a baby.

Financial Help

The infertility doctor that you use will be able to offer you information on other forms of pregnancy assistance as well as their physical assistance. There are a variety of fertility grant and pregnancy grant programs available to both men and women who are suffering infertility. Through this financial support it may be possible for a women's fertility treatments to be less expensive and even free!

Emotional Help

Another important aspect of fertility programs is their ability to successfully offer infertility assistance on an emotional level. Both men and women that are going through infertility issues can benefit from the counseling of and individual therapist or a group therapy session.

Couples can visit a therapist to discuss their concerns and worrying regarding the process of infertility. Both people in the relationship may be getting discourage about the process. The emotional support that a counselor can give is a great way for couples to deal with their emotions and concerns.

Community Help

One of the easiest ways to get support while going through infertility is to seek an infertility group. These groups are a great way for infertile couples, and those having problems getting pregnant, to express their concerns and difficulties with the fertility treatment process. Everyone in the group is going through the same emotions and physical changes and are able to help each other work through this difficult time in their life.

Most fertility clinics will have information on a fertility support group in the area. Most clinics actually run their own support groups several times during the week. So it should not be a problem finding a support program that will fit your emotional needs as you go through the fertility process.

Going through infertility is a process that is both physically and emotionally draining. To make the process more enjoyable couples should utilize all the resources that are available to them, including: financial, emotional, and community support programs. The relief that they programs will give a couple might be just what they need to try their fertility program a little longer.

You don't have to suffer through infertility alone.... Using the resources available to you will increase your odds of having a successful pregnancy.

If infertility assistance is something you are seeking, we have many articles and resources that can help point you in the direction of solving one of the most frustrating problems couples face today:

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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fertility Treatment - In Vitro Fertilization

Qualifying Factors for In Vitro Fertilization
By Xavier Gallery

Infertility is a fairly prevalent condition that affects millions of American couples. While the condition itself can be devastating news to potential parents, medical technology has evolved to offer a number of treatment options. In vitro fertilization has become one of the most publicized alternatives to the condition of infertility, but few people are aware of the small percentage of couples who qualify for the procedure. In fact, medical professionals typically offer other methods of fertility treatments prior to recommending in vitro procedures. Listed below are some common qualifiers for patients interested in pursuing in vitro fertilization.

Health – The in vitro process itself involves an invasive procedure to extract eggs from the female and subsequently re-implant the fertilized embryos. The procedure is deemed relatively safe, but it is not advised for females who suffer from conditions that could react unfavorably to the procedure. Thus, doctors due take into account the medical history of the female patient before making a recommendation.

Fertility – Because in vitro fertilization replicates the process of insemination outside of the body, it is important that the female partner can produce healthy eggs, and the male partner can contribute quality sperm. This is probably the most overlooked qualifier with in vitro fertilization. The procedure itself is not a cure for infertility, but rather a treatment to aid in the process of conception.

Fallopian Tube Integrity – Pregnancy through in vitro fertilization is most often recommended for females with fallopian tube disorders. Since the female eggs are fertilized by the sperm while in the fallopian tubes, the integrity of the fallopian tubes plays an important role in successful conception. The process of in vitro fertilization actually bypasses the use of the fallopian tubes. This can create an opportunity for successful pregnancy in women with fallopian tube concerns.

Endometriosis – Endometriosis is a chronic condition that results in extra tissue building up outside of the uterus. In addition to causing menstrual discomfort for the female, endometriosis also can create a hostile environment within the female reproductive system that reduces the chance of successful conception. Patients who suffer from endometriosis can experience success with in vitro fertilization, but it depends on the severity of the condition and the availability of other treatment options.

In conclusion, in vitro fertilization is not designed to cure all infertility cases. It is more likely that a doctor will initially prescribe other forms of fertility treatment (such hormone therapy) prior to recommending this procedure. The best advice for couples seeking help with their fertility condition is to meet with their doctor. There are numerous test and treatment options available that have proven successful in the right conditions. Education is the first step in coping with infertility. By becoming aware of the afflicting conditions and the possible treatments, patients can better prepare themselves for a successful pregnancy strategy.

Xavier writes about fertility issues at In Vitro Pregnancy

You can find more resources at

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Fertility Treatment - Fertility Clinic

When to Seek Help from a Fertility Clinic
Katie Gee

Anyone who has tried for months or even years to get pregnant knows the heartache and frustration you experience month after month as you find out you have not gotten pregnant. During this time you often get unsolicited and unhelpful advice. When is it time to get a professional opinion? When should you seek help from a fertility clinic?

The answer to this actually varies from clinic to clinic as well as from couple to couple. Most clinics agree that if you have been actively trying to get pregnant for six months to a year without success, it is time to get a consultation and some basic testing done by our OB/GYN or by a fertility doctor. Some couples feel as though this is not enough time and they want to keep trying whereas other couples might be ready earlier because of family history or a medical condition.

One thing that you can do during the time that you are trying to decide whether or not to go to a fertility clinic is to chart your cycle. Many clinics will actually ask that you do this for at least three months to establish a pattern anyway, so if you have already done this you are a step ahead. You can download charts online to help you chart your basal body temperature and you can find a BBT thermometer at any drug store. For some people this simple act of charting your cycle can give a doctor a good idea of what the route of the problem is.

If you feel that you are ready to consult a fertility doctor, ask around and do research. There are some good, reputable doctors who are there to help you and other not so reputable doctors who are just in it for the money and the statistics. If you have a local fertility support group or adoption agency in your area, they might be able to point you in the right direction. If you feel unsure about a diagnosis, get a second one from a different fertility clinic. This is your body, your family and your future and you should feel comfortable before proceeding with any fertility procedures.

For more information about ovarian torsion and other related subjects visit our website

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fertility Treatment - Acupuncture

Can Acupuncture Solve Infertility Problems?
by Dean Caporella

Infertility acupuncture may have started out as a ripple but in recent times, it is gathering wave-like momentum as an alternative treatment for infertility. But is it a sound and reliable treatment?

Acupuncture is still somewhat of a mystery to modern science. The fact that a reasonable explanation of how acupuncture actually works is yet to be established tends to lend a degree of skepticism from those who don't understand it. However, in the area of infertility, several studies conducted in recent years have produced encouraging results when acupuncture has been used in conjunction with modern medical techniques. Infertility is such an emotinal issue that couples, who have exhausted all possible avenues of traditional treatments without success, will then consider other alternatives of which acupuncture is one.

Benefits Of Acupuncture

One of the benefits of infertility acupuncture has been it's ability to regulate ovulation and menstrual cycles as well as improving sperm mobility. It has been particularly useful in the area of in vitro fertilization(IVF). Studies have shown that acupuncture treatment aids in the production of better quality eggs. There is a correlation between women being more relaxed during fertility treatments when undergoing corresponding acupuncture treatment. This relaxation has had the effect of aiding better egg transfer which in turn has led to higher pregnancy rates.

Are Ther Disadvantages In Using Acupuncture?

An obvious disadvantage of infertility acupuncture treatment lies in the fact that while it seems beneficial in aiding problems of function including irregular ovulation, it's use in treating structural problems is undetermined. However, a study of acupuncture generally suggests it wasn't designed to repair structural damage and this is best left to modern surgery techniques. It also requires several sessions which could be seen as a disadvantage but again, when emotion comes into play and all other avenues have failed, then this is usually just a minor inconvenience.

It's important for couples considering infertility acupuncture to be prudent in their selection of practioner. Making sure they are licensed to practice is an obvious checkpoint. Before you even consider acupuncture a discussion should take place between you and your doctor regarding any possible side effects that may come about from medication which is already being administered and acupuncture medication such as herb treatment. It is common for acupuncture practitioners to offer herb medicine in conjuction with treatment but you'll need to check with your doctor before taking these. Why? Simply that some herbs could interfere or hamper the effects of drugs you have already been prescribed.

Doing some "legwork" prior to choosing a practioner should involve speaking to friends and families. Find out whether they have had acupuncture treatment and get recommendations. Going online and participating in infertility forums is another avenue that could be pursued.

About the Author
Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Infertility is an emotional topic. Find out about infertility acupuncture as well as the latest infertility news and reviews at:

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